FEM-meshing and FEM head model

Dear Francois,

I updated brainstorm to yesterday's version, but I still get the same error. I sent you the link to the minimal dataset via private message (for data security reasons).

In order to generate the FEM mesh I select the anatomy view and activate the files, that you find in the minimal dataset. I manually add the iso2mesh-master toolbox to the path (downloaded from https://github.com/fangq/iso2mesh).

  • right click on the subject
  • "generate FEM mesh"
  • select "Iso2mesh"
  • select "MershMesh"
  • keeping default settings (max tetrahedal volume: 0.1; Percentage of elements kept: 100)
    *select OK

The Mesh is then created and saved without any bug, but then I can't open it (see error in my original post). MergeSurf leads to the same problem.

For the automatic installation:
If I do not add the manually downloaded iso2mesh toolbox to my matlab path and i repeat the steps above, I agree to let brainstorm download the latest version of iso2mesh, it downloads, tries to install and then I get the following error:

** Error: Iso2mesh could not be installed in: /Users/yvonnebuschermohle/.brainstorm/iso2mesh/mac64

When I check the .brainstorm folder, I find the iso2mesh toolbox, but it is not properly installed; when repeating the FEM generation now, I get the error:

** Error: Line 117: surf2mesh (line 117)
** Tetgen command failed
** Call stack:
** >surf2mesh.m at 117
** >process_generate_fem.m>Compute at 377
** >process_generate_fem.m>ComputeInteractive at 950
** >process_generate_fem.m at 33
** >bst_call.m at 28
** >tree_callbacks.m>@(h,ev)bst_call(@process_generate_fem,'ComputeInteractive',iSubject,[]) at 583

** Error: The FEM mesh generation failed.
** Check the Matlab command window for additional information.

I hope that helps! Let me know if you have further questions!
