Finding Atlas regions for top X% of sources

This is the Step 4 in one of my previous posts:

% Example parameters
AnatAtlasName = 'aal3';
VoxelCoords = [84, 167, 200];

% Find anatomy atlas
iAnatAtlas = find(strcmp(AnatAtlasName, {sSubject.Anatomy.Comment}));
% Load anatomy atlas
sAnatAtlas = in_mri_bst(sSubject.Anatomy(iAtlas).FileName);
% Get voxel integer label
VoxelValueAnatAtlas = sAnatAtlas.Cube(VoxelCoords(1), VoxelCoords(2), VoxelCoords(3));
% Get voxel text label
iLabel = find(VoxelValueAnatAtlas == [sAnatAtlas.Labels{:,1}]); % First  column of Labels
VoxelLabel = sAnatAtlas.Labels{iLabel,2}                        % Second column of Labels

I strongly suggest you to read the Scripting tutorial to be able to automate your processing pipeline and other tasks: