Help with Leadfield and importing headmodel into neuropype

Hi Francois, thanks very much! I was able to get it in with 1082v. I now have may questions concerning the head model and how i can export the head model into neuropype in a format neuropype will accept. I am also emailing neuropype with questions, and ill let you know if they end up answering my questions first.

Question 1: Atlas
For neuropypes colin Atlas, the variables they have are: "labeling, labels and name" I was I was able to get the labels and name from my brainstorm/brainsuite svreg atlas, however i am not sure where to find the variable "labeling" and what that corresponds too in my atlas. Ive attached the colins head model from neuropype here (which contains neuropyes atlas) and my svreg atlas here.



Thanks very much
