Hot to compile generated scritp

[QUOTE=Francois;9058]What step of bst_deploy_java_2015a.m is it that you don’t understand?
You really have to re-write completely this script line by line and adapt it to your environment…[/QUOTE]

I had already compiled, but I don’t know how to run it. I had added to the CLASS_PATH variable the path of the java and the paths of brainstorm generates “.class” files. However, when I tryed to run it from command line, the system says that it was not possible to find the “Run.class” (the is the code generated by the deploytool to wrap the brainstorm.m script).

Thanks in advance for your help!

The function bst_deploy_java_2015a.m does not only compile, it packages the .jar in a way that it can be executed after.
Try to package it in the same way, then you will be able to run in a way similar to what is done in bin/R2015a/brainstorm3.bat
(you’ll find this script in

Get back to me if you have specific questions related with something you don’t understand in the compilation script.

If you don’t have the necessary Matlab or Java skills to do this, you are maybe wasting your time with this approach.
Compiling things in non-standard and poorly documented environments is a job for a software programmer who’s comfortable with those tools.
Can’t you think of an alternative solution?

If you have just a limited number of lines of code to run, you can copy-paste them in the “console” (menu File).
Or can’t you get a Matlab license somewhere? Even an old one would work, Brainstorm works with Matlab 2006b…