How do i create a common channel file?

[QUOTE=Francois;6121]Hi Josh,

You can run the process "Standardize > Uniform list of channels" on your recordings.
It defines a common list of channels and rewrites the channel files and the data files to match this new list.

Hi Francois,
I have tried all three standardize options and all came up with errors (see attached)

When i tried to run the average i wasnt able to average them all again due to the different number of channels.
However when I tried to standardize the channels again it said it couldn't because it had already.
The average came up with a different number of files used in the average when i ran the "keeping all channels present but replacing with a zero" option.

The average came up with the same number of files when i ran the matching to the first data file, which tells me that it didnt necessarily change the channels although it said i had when i tried to run another standardize through the pipeline.

Any thoughts would be most helpful.
