How 'Finalize scaling of direct PAC metric' in 'bst_pac' function would work for PAC between 2 structures?


I would like to compute a phase-amplitude coupling between 2 structures using this fucntion bst_pac .
I slightly modified it to take phase from structure 1 and amplitude from structure 2, but I have doubts regarding this like of code:
tmp2 = sqrt( ( sum(AMP.*AMP, 2) ) );

So, in my case, having two separated structures I should use AMP from which structure? I would guess, that from the structure 2, but I would prefer to ask.

Could anyone help me with this issue?

Thank you in advance :slightly_smiling_face:

@Sylvain @Samiee @eflorin

Yes, in the situation you describe AMP would be from structure #2.
Note that inter-regional PAC is asymmetric by construct. So I would recommend you also look at the PAC score when AMP is from structure 1 and PHASE from structure 2, for comparison.

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Thank you @Sylvain, this is what I thought.