How to add new events to Brainstorm

This is done inside the Recording tab with the menu File > Import events from file...
(or with the process Events > Events import from file, if you aim to automate this action)


Multiple formats are supported (see the options in the Files of Type drop menu), so it mostly depends on how the events are stored. If none of the supported formats matches the way your events are organized, you can organized them in one of these common formats.

  • CSV text file CSV file with at least "label, time" the information for "duration" applies only if the event have are longer than 1 sample.
  • Array of times: a .mat with only one variable of size [1xN] with the time for N occurrences in seconds.
  • Array of samples: same thing as above with the occurrences are given in samples.

If there are multiple event labels, the CSV file is a better option as there will be only one file, rather than a files for each event label.

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