How to import other brain atlases to use as scouts

Did not seem to work. Here is the detail of what I did:

new sub: test01
import MRI
import surf: /surf/lh.pial
display lh.pial
Scout:Load Atlas:Load Atlas /label\lh_Yeo.annot
close and clear

import surf: /surf/rh.pial
display rh.pial
Scout:Load Atlas:Load Atlas /label\rh_Yeo.annot
close and clear

select lh. and rh.pial
R-click, merge
produces “cortex”, sets as default
display cortex
Scout:User scouts: shows three choices:

I can apply lh or rh individually, but not together
Structures just shows two entries, one for each hemi.

Did I do something wrong above?

It would seem possible to merge the atlases by using the atlas editing, copy, paste tools, but I cannot get that to work so far.