If you want map your 68 values back to a surface with 15000 vertices, you need to create manually a source file, as done in the process "Simulate recordings from scouts":
% Check head model
if isempty(sStudyChannel.iHeadModel)
bst_report('Error', sProcess, [], ['No head model file available.' 10 'Please calculate a head model before running simulations.']);
% Load headmodel
HeadModelFile = sStudyChannel.HeadModel(sStudyChannel.iHeadModel).FileName;
HeadModelMat = in_bst_headmodel(HeadModelFile);
% If no orientations: error
if isempty(HeadModelMat.GridOrient)
bst_report('Error', sProcess, [], 'No source orientations available in this head model.');
% Get all the MEG/EEG channels
Modalities = {};
if ~isempty(HeadModelMat.MEGMethod)
Modalities{end+1} = 'MEG';
This file has been truncated. show original
This procedure is also discussed on this forum, for example:
I would like to simulate what scalp topography I would get given a specific dipole location in the brain.
In other words, assuming a given MNI coordinate, a given dipole orientation, what would the scalp topography look like?
For the analysis, I would like to use (1) a brain template provided with Brainstorm and (2) for the location of the channels some sort of default for CTF 275 if anything like that exists.
I’ve spent a while looking around the tutorials, but could not find much.
I a…