How to visualize a source in a scout?

Hi Lisa,

With the information I gave you previously, you can get the index of each vertex included in the scout (iVert = sScout.Vertices).
These indices correspond to the .Vertices field in the cortex surface.
Export the cortex surface to your Matlab workspace or load it in a script, and you will have access to the 3D positions of the points included in your scout (sCortex.Vertices(iVert,:)).
To get only one position for the scout, you can probably average these 3D positions: mean(sCortex.Vertices(iVert,:))

To render the connectivity matrices, you can use the graph display in Brainstorm (not documented yet…)
Compute any [NxN] connectivity metric on scouts, then right-click on the file > Display as graph.
You can compute your own connectivity matrices and import them as connectivity files in Brainstorm and display them this way.


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