Importing captrak files


I have another set of questions. One is about potential issues with head models; the other is about default BrainProducts channel files.

Question 1
We have a participant whose head model looks like this (upon import):

After generating BEM with default 1922v and 4mm skull thickness layers:


How could I go about getting these artifacts of the head model? Is it the same as the last one? I've tried rerunning the BEM generation multiple times but there do not seem to be many differences.

Question 2
We upgraded our BrainProducts/BrainVision system from the taller electrodes to the slim electrodes approximately a while ago (perhaps late 2021 or 2022?). Last week I found that there are slight differences in the old electrode layout (which Brainstorm seems to have) and the updated slim electrode layout. I've attached screenshots at the bottom to depict these differences.

How might this affect our use of the Brainstorm's version of the standard BrainProducts/BrainVision electrode file if we've been using the slim electrode layout for most of our ongoing study? Only the first few participants had the old electrode layout used, but most of those individuals had CapTrak data.

I tried to update one subject's electrode positions (that we obtained from the new system's vhdr file) with Brainstorm's default BrainProducts/BrainVision standard 97 channel cap and found that Brainstorm's channel file does not have a location for AFz, O9, or O10, evidenced by the channel file saying "EEG_NO_LOC".

Screenshot of channel file layouts:
