Importing Folders from New Freesurfer Versions?

Yes, Brainstorm is supposed to work if you run the recon-all from FS 6 stable without any additional parameters. We've already adapted a few things for this release, like the possibility to have higher volume resolutions than 256x256x256. Maybe there are other things to change.

But I don't understand your multiple passes on this subject...
And the error you get seems to indicate that you have a mixture of multiple executions of recon-all (or a mix of different subjects).
Can you simply try to import the original MRI as a new empty subject (recon-all -i) and then process it entirely with FS6 stable (recon-all -all)?
Is it something you reproduced on multiple subjects?

actually for some reason because I'm a new user I can't upload files, so I'm to try and fix that

If you need to post files: upload the somewhere (dropbox, google drive...) and post a download link here.