LFP from raw data neuralynx

Hi all,

regarding the behavioral data:
Loading behavioral data is supported only in NWB files and Tucker Davis acquisition systems.

Regarding spike sorting outside of Brainstorm and sequentially importing the events as a Brainstorm structure:
I've written an example procedure here: https://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm/e-phys/ConvertToBrainstormEvents
The fact that your raster plot doesn't have anything in it, means that no spikes were detected within the trials you selected.
A common mistake that people do is to use the wrong sampling rate when they go from samples to seconds. Make sure the values of the timestamps in your events.mat make sense.

Regarding convert raw to LFP error:
You mention that the function is shadowed, yet you still run it. I have the feeling that you are not dropping a "link to raw file" in the processing box.
If the filetype is correct and you still get the error, you will have to send to Francois the file to be able to assess what's going on there.
The 'Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type' error is not informative at this point.

Regarding DeriveLFP toolbox is not installed message:
This was automatically getting downloaded and installed when users called the function (at least 3 years ago when it was designed).
Maybe the plugin manager needs reevaluation