Missing dune-subgrid for geometry-adapted hexahedral mesh

Hi @tmedani,

I am now getting a new error:

RuntimeError: Dune::Exception [findEntityImpl:/home/andy/Dune/duneuro/duneuro/common/edgehopping.hh:84]: coordinate is outside of the grid, or grid is not convex

I have checked that all the dipoles from the source grid is inside the grey matter (of the mesh). I am solving this in duneuro (standalone) by looping through each dipole within the source grid and solving using solveEEGForward(). This error only pops up at a certain dipole point. I checked the dipole that it stops at and found that it typically occurs when the dipole is located at the boundary of the grey matter (interface between grey matter and csf).

I have also tried this using bst-duneuro plugin and the same error occurs.

I just found your comment on the following thread (DUNEuro head model computation fails - #13 by berkiadam):

Could this be the problem causing the error message? Are there any workarounds for this?
