New version with XDF file support

May I ask how were the timestamps implemented ?
Were they just taken from the timestamps list (in python - the time_stamps list) ?

These are simply the time stamps read by the library.

It seems that to get the time synched between different streams implementation needs to consider the
time offset

Unfortunately I have no idea what to do with these clock_offsets...

[streams, fileheader] = load_xdf('wiimote_pylsl_muse_test.xdf');

% Stream 2: EEG
streams{2}        % 'Muse'
streams{2}.time_stamps(1)   % '1662538492.337204'
streams{2}.time_stamps(end) % '1662539106.378531'

     time: '689177.036504109'
    value: '935403.2126102761'

     time: '689787.5735895969'
    value: '935403.212608692'

% Stream 3: Wiimote
streams{3}        % 'WiimoteMarkers1'
streams{3}.time_stamps(1)   % '1624585.380932'
streams{3}.time_stamps(end) % '1625125.514074'

     time: '1624580.249122672'
    value: '-1.401640474796295e-05'

     time: '1625190.782890341'
    value: '2.137967385351658e-06'