Possible to do spatial smoothing of ECOG without source estimation?

I am using Brainstorm to visualize externally-calculated ECOG statistics on the cortex (for example, the latency of different electrodes in response to a particular stimulus). I use the "Display on cortex" option found in the dropdown menu subject/stat/EEG-MAT/ECOG/Display on cortex. Is it possible to apply spatial smoothing to this data without doing the source estimation described in this tutorial (https://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm/Tutorials/SourceEstimation)?

Additional context: So far I am working from the GUI, but would be happy to learn a command-line approach instead, and I have the most recent Brainstorm version as of 11/12/19. In my analysis, I treat all electrodes as if they come from a single mega-subject, so I upload an MNI channel file and MATLAB data matrix with all data to a single Brainstorm subject.

Thanks for your time!

No, there is currently nothing in Brainstorm that could help you smooth the cortical maps obtained when displaying the ECOG data on the cortex.

The function that computes the interpolation ECOG>surface is available here:

It would be either possible to add something to this function that adds a smoothing kernel to the interpolation matrix (like the ones produced by function tess_smooth_sources.m), that would be configurable (and disabled) through the interface. Not the easiest thing to do.

Another approach would be to write a process function (https://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm/Tutorials/TutUserProcess) that saves the interpolated data as a new "source" file in the database, and this you'd be able to smooth with the process Sources>Spatial smoothing.

We won't be able to work on this anytime soon, but if you are interested in contributing the improvement of these tools, I could guide you more precisely through this process.

Hi Francois, Thanks for the prompt and helpful answer, and I appreciate the offer for additional guidance- I'll take a look at the options you list and let you know if I end up trying to develop those tools.