Problem data importing

While I was importing EEG raw data file hdf5 file into Brainstorm but I get this message
Line 39: in_fopen_gtec (line 39)
Not supported yet
Call stack:

in_fopen_gtec.m at 39
in_fopen.m at102
import_raw.m at 126
bst_ call.m at 28
tree_callbacks.m>@(h,ev)bst_call@import_raw,,,iSubject) at 592

Could you help me how to sort out this problem.

Hi Joseph,

Please send me an example file and I’ll see if I can find a way to adjust the reading function to this format.
Upload it somewhere (dropbox, google drive…) then post the download link on this forum, or send it to me as a private message.


Thanks, Here is the link of my data in Google drive:

Thanks for the example files.
I added a basic support for reading these files in Brainstorm. Update Brainstorm and you shouldn’t get this error anymore.

However, I couldn’t find some of the information present in the g.tec Matlab exports: the epoch separation, the marker names and latencies… If you need to read additional information from these files, I would need your help exploring the structure of these files further. You can place a breakpoint in this function, and try to get the information you need.
