Problems loading g.tec .hdf5 file the file is close to 1GB. This is .mat file exported or converted from hdf5 file. this was recorded on g.HIamp 256-channel amplifier device; so I think it is g.recorder, but not sure. I did not aquire the data.
Let me know if box link does not work. Thanks for the help. I only manipulated a copy of the original file, so it is not ruined, this file should be unaltered from recording besides that it is matlab format.

I will try to share next the HDFD5 file and decryption file for hdf5, ghdf5import.m, but the hdf5 is even larger than exported .mat file.

I am a clinical neurophys fellow, but know nearly nothing for Matlab I'm mostly interested to use Matlab to open brainstorm to analyze SEEG data in a GUI compatible with these odd formats.
I put a screenshot of the file channel name area that seemed to be a problem for the other user in the past, but I see your comments not to touch it.