Problems loading g.tec .hdf5 file

I tested this on my computer as well, and confirms that the g.tec reader can import your file correctly.
If you have errors on your end, this is most likely due to issues on your computer.

  • First make sure you don't have any program that interferes with Brainstorm on your computer:
    • Close Brainstorm
    • Edit the Matlab path, remove all the folder that are not strictly related with the installation of MATLAB
    • Close and restart Matlab, try again
  • What version of Matlab are you using?
  • If the Matlab version is the issue (older than 2020a), you can try with the compiled version of Brainstorm:
  • Try executing the following commands in the Matlab command window, after selecting the folder containing the HDF5 file - copy-paste the output here:
    AcqXml = hdf5read('R03_11CC2021.11.09_09.48.05.hdf5', 'RawData/AcquisitionTaskDescription')
    sAcqXml = in_xml(AcqXml.Data)