Raw continuous recording split into epochs and then exported into images

If you are interested in using the Brainstorm viewer for sleep staging:

To make screen captures with all the properties you need, you can write a script that scans all the file:

% Open viewer
hFig = view_timeseries(RawFile);

% Get file duration
DataMat = in_bst_data(RawFile);
WinLength = 30;
nWin = floor(DataMat.Time(end) / WinLength);

% Get figure references
[~, iFig, iDS] = bst_figures('GetFigure', hFig);
% Configure window
figure_timeseries('SetDisplayMode', hFig, 'column');
figure_timeseries('SetResolution', iDS, iFig, 400, 50);  % Note that the time resolution depends on the size of the window
% panel_record('SetTimeLength', WinLength);  % Useless if defining resolution 

% Loop on windows
for iWin = 1:nWin
    startTime = (iWin - 1) * WinLength;
    panel_record('SetStartTime', startTime);
    imgDir = './';
    out_figure_image(hFig, bst_fullfile(imgDir, sprintf('img_%04d.jpg', iWin)));
    % YOu can use different file formats: TIF, PNG, GIF...

% Close window