SEEG electrodes and subject's anatomy are not alligned

Dear John & Francois ( and of course all brainstorm users),

thanks a lot for your suggestions. In our current SEEG projects we already have the MRI preimplant coregistered with post implant CT scans. The DEETO software we wrote defines channel coordinates in the CT/MRI geometrical space and are correctly aligned to each other (i.e. assessed using 3DSlicer or Freeviewer/TkSurfer).

What is confusing me is that the channel file and MRI/Surfaces (these last imported using "Import anatomy folder") are defined exactly in the same geometrical space.

My question is simpler. (1) what is the transformation that is tacking place at the MRI volume that is also correctly applied to Freesurfer Surfaces (i.e. they visually overlap) but is not applied to channel positions and/or (2) how to apply this transformation also to the channel file?

Does anyone reading this know if this feasible in the DEETO software?

We should implement it and add this to our next release if is the only solution to this specific problem.
