SEEG electrodes and subject's anatomy are not alligned


The FreeSurfer surface coordinates are saved in FreeSurfer RAS coordinates (in voxels).
When imported into Brainstorm, they are converted first to Brainstorm MRI coordinates (in millimeters) at lines 141-148 in function in_tess.m:

% FreeSurfer RAS coord => MRI => millimeters
if ~isempty(sMri)
    mriSize = size(sMri.Cube) / 2;
    Vertices = bst_bsxfun(@plus, Vertices, mriSize / 1000);
    Vertices = bst_bsxfun(@times, Vertices, sMri.Voxsize);

Then are converted from Brainstorm MRI coordinates to Brainstorm SCS coordinates at line 193 in function in_tess.m:

TessMat(iTess).Vertices = cs_convert(sMri, 'mri', 'scs', TessMat(iTess).Vertices);

All the coordinates systems used in Brainstorm are documented here:

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