Sources statistical file with only clusters above certain threshold

For example, the vertices that correspond to the left entorhinal all in one ROI?

Use the cortical (or volume) parcellations generated by FreeSurfer or CAT.


Data exported as "SurfaceMat"

>> iAtlas = find(strcmpi({SurfaceMat.Atlas.Name}, 'Desikan-Killiany'))
iAtlas =

>> iScout = find(strcmpi({SurfaceMat.Atlas(iAtlas).Scouts.Label}, 'entorhinal L'))
iScout =

>> SurfaceMat.Atlas(iAtlas).Scouts(iScout)
ans = 
  struct with fields:
    Vertices: [33×1 double]
        Seed: 4929
       Color: [0.8627 0.0784 0.0392]
       Label: 'entorhinal L'
    Function: 'Mean'
      Region: 'LT'
     Handles: []