Statistical information on events

Hello David!

To achieve what you want, I believe you will have to play a bit in Matlab. It's not too difficult, so I think I can walk you through the steps.

If you export your Raw file to Matlab, the events should be saved within

  1. By using the length function in Matlab, you can than extract the amount of occurrence of each event. You can use something like length(myRaw.F.Events(myEventIndex).times where myRaw will be the name you will give to your Raw File when you export it to Matlab and myEventIndex the index of your desired event.

  2. As it turns out, the exact timing of your stims are stored exactly there too. myRaw.F.Events(myEventIndex).times is a vector with all those values.

You can then create a little Matlab script that would create an array like you would like it to be in excel. Finally, use the writetable or writematrix functions in Matlab to save your file as an xlsx.

Depending of your level of comfort in programming this might be anywhere from easy or difficult to understand. Let me know if you need any clarification.