The volume scout information for the LGN/Pulvinar

Dear Brainstorm users,

Using the deep-structure volume scouts, I’d like to obtain the scouts time series for the LGN (a substructure of thalamus).
Then, it is not easy for me to grow its area using the arrow button of [Create scout].

If the individual grid point information for the LGN structure can be obtained, it would be one of the best ways to compute its time series.
Thus, is there anyone who can provide this coordinate (or index) information for the LGN volume scout?

I also need the same information for the Pulvinar structure.

All the best,
BK Min


If you want to design your own regions of interest in the volume: use a volume head model and import/draw the ROIs from the regular of grid points.
Note that unconstrained source maps obtained in the volume are very smooth, the spatial resolution might not be high enough to be able to discriminate different subregions of the thalamus. This is something you’d need to test.


Hi, Francois,

Thank you so much for the kind reply.
Let me try to do what you suggested.

All the best,
BK Min