Time definition not compatible

Every time I try to display the source activity on the cortex I get the following errors:
"Time definition for this file is not compatible with the other files already loaded in Brainstorm. Close existing windows before opening this file". This is followed by an error in view_surface_data (line 165) saying the program cannot load the file.
I have tried closing all the figures and clearing the memory by clicking the X button. I can open time-series data just fine.

Thanks! Tan

Please post the following:

  • a screen capture of the database explorer showing the file you are trying to look at
  • a full copy of the file contents in text (right-click on the file > File > View file contents: copy-paste it here)
  • the full text of the error message you get.


Thanks for getting back to me.

  • The selected file below is the one I am trying to open:

  • Below are the file contents:

Path: C:\Users\tphan\Documents\brainstorm_db\EC1002\data
Name: Subject01/@rawec1002_RestEO_run2_raw_notch/results_MN_MEG_GRAD_MEG_MAG_KERNEL_190905_1329.mat

|- ImagingKernel: [15002x306 double]
|- ImageGridAmp:
|- Std:
|- Whitener: [306x306 double]
|- SourceDecompSa:
|- SourceDecompVa:
|- nComponents: 1
|- Comment: 'MN: MEG ALL(Constr) 2018'
|- Function: 'mn'
|- Time:
|- DataFile: 'Subject01/@rawec1002_RestEO_run2_raw_notch/data_0raw_ec1002_RestEO_run2_raw_notch.mat'
|- HeadModelFile: 'Subject01/@rawec1002_RestEO_run2_raw_notch/headmodel_surf_os_meg.mat'
|- HeadModelType: 'surface'
|- ChannelFlag: [333x1 double]
|- GoodChannel: [1x306 double]
|- SurfaceFile: 'Subject01/tess_cortex_pial_low.mat'
|- Atlas:
|- GridLoc:
|- GridOrient:
|- GridAtlas:
|- Options:
| |- InverseMethod: 'minnorm'
| |- InverseMeasure: 'amplitude'
| |- SourceOrient: {'fixed'}
| |- DataTypes: {'MEG GRAD', 'MEG MAG'}
| |- Comment: 'MN: MEG ALL(Constr)'
| |- DisplayMessages: 0
| |- ComputeKernel: 1
| |- Loose: 0.2
| |- UseDepth: 1
| |- WeightExp: 0.5
| |- WeightLimit: 10
| |- NoiseMethod: 'reg'
| |- NoiseReg: 0.1
| |- SnrMethod: 'fixed'
| |- SnrRms: 1e-06
| |- SnrFixed: 3
| |- NoiseCovMat:
| | |- NoiseCov: [306x306 double]
| | |- Comment: 'Noise covariance'
| | |- nSamples: [306x306 double]
| | |- FourthMoment: [306x306 double]
| | |- History: {'05-Sep-2019 12:51:17', 'compute', 'Computed based on 64 files (639000 samples): Baseline [0.00, 319499.50]ms, File'}
| |- ChannelTypes: {1x306 cell}
| |- DataCovMat:
| |- FunctionName: 'mn'
|- ColormapType:
|- DisplayUnits:
|- ZScore:
|- nAvg: 1
|- Leff: 1
|- History: {'05-Sep-2019 13:29:24', 'compute', 'Source estimation: minnorm'}
|- DataWhitener:

  • These are the 2 errors:

The source file you are pointing at should load by itself with a up-to-date version of Brainstorm.
Have you updated Brainstorm?

Are you trying to open multiple files with different time definitions at the same time?
This is what this error message suggests...

Yes Brainstorm is up to date. I am only opening one file at a time. This is the MATLAB error:

Indeed, there was a bug in the display of source files attached to continuous files.
Thanks for reporting this.

I tried to fix this issue in this commit: https://github.com/brainstorm-tools/brainstorm3/commit/5d9d1005754579463d2f3888c399e1cd6011af80
Please update Brainstorm and try again.

Everything is working now. Thank you so much for your help!

I have the same issue, brainstorm is updated, but I still get the same error

Hi @Priyam,

Please post the following:

  • Your Brainstorm version (located in the title bar)
  • A screen capture of the database explorer showing the file you are trying to look at
  • A full copy of the file contents in text (right-click on the file > File > View file contents: copy-paste it here)
    the full text of the error message you get.
