Topography with data eeg for signal real time

hi every one
I want to display and analyze the brain topography in real time using electroencephalogram data. Thank you for your help.

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I want to observe the topography of the brain when recording the signal. The recording of the signal is done through Simulink MATLAB. Is there a solution?

In principle, you should be be able to import any EEG signal in a Brainstorm database, and if you have 3D positions for the sensors, you should be able to display a 2D topography of the values and estimate the brain sources.

However, the description of your setup is too vague for me to provide indications on how to do it.

I want to show the effects of work or movement in the brain by recording the signal in real time, and this must be examined in real time, that is, I have a brain signal recording device that records the raw data of the electroencephalogram, and I record the data through Show Simulink MATLAB topography so that I can record the intersection of brain mobility and show the heating points of the head

I have no idea what is possible for you, it highly depends on what you want to compute and show...

You can check the realtime examples for inspiration: