Trouble uploading Nicolet .e file into Brainstorm


I am having trouble uploading a nicolet .e file into Brainstorm. I would like some help. When trying to upload the file, this is the error message I get:

Error: Line 66: datenum
Too many input arguments.
Call stack:

in_fopen_nicolet.m at 66
in_fopen.m at 124
import_raw.m at 126
bst_call.m at 28
tree_callbacks.m>@(h,ev)bst_call(@import_raw,,,iSubject) at 596

Matlab version R2017a. OS Mac Sierra
Any Help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time and effort.


I tried to make the Nicolet reader more robust to incorrect recordings dates in the .e files with this commit:

Menu Update > Update Brainstorm, and try again importing the same file.

It works now. Thank you for the help, Francois