Tutorial background readings: website link

Hello everyone,
Before I start with the tutorial I would interested in reading some of the material found under ‘Background readings’ (https://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm/Tutorials - bottom of page).
I thought that the first one - Canada MEG consortium: Basics of MEG - would be useful for me, but I get a 404 error when trying to open that link. Is there perhaps any other way that I can access that link or information on that website?
Thank you!

Hi Robert: Sorry, that website is down (this actually reminds us we need to update these links…)
The contents can actually be found elsewhere: https://www.mcw.edu/Magnetoencephalography-Program-MEG/About-MEG.htm

There is also a Nature Neuroscience review paper, that could be interesting for an intro: http://rdcu.be/pydB

Hope this is helpful.

Thank you so much for the links - I will check them out!