[[attachment:old_group.jpg|{{attachment:old_group.jpg|attachment:old_group.jpg|width="675"}}]] <
> [[attachment:BigLab2015.jpg|{{attachment:BigLab2015.jpg|attachment:BigLab2015.jpg|width="300"}}]] <
> ||||'''Alumni''' || ---- ||[[https://www.linkedin.com/in/clio-gonzalez-zacarias-ab44b7253/|Clio González Zacarías]] || Research Assistant USC - Department of Electrical Engineering <
>Ph.D. 2023 || ||[[https://www.linkedin.com/in/haleh-akrami-b120b7183/|Haleh Akrami]] || Machine Learning Researcher at Genentech <
>Ph.D. 2023 || ||[[http://choisoyo.github.io/|Soyoung Choi]] || Research Assistant USC - Department of Electrical Engineering <
>Ph.D. 2022 || ||[[https://www.linkedin.com/in/hossein-shahabi-b51a5637/|Hossein Shahabi]] ||Epilepsy, Neuroscience, ML, Brain connectivity <
>Ph.D. 2022 || ||[[https://www.linkedin.com/in/dakarai-mccoy-06712b43/|Dakarai McCoy]] ||Data Analyst at Afrolytics <
> Research Assistant 2020 || ||[[https://www.linkedin.com/in/mosakhi/|Osama Sakhi]] ||Data Scientist in Computer Vision at The Home Depot <
> Ph.D. 2021 || ||[[https://sites.google.com/usc.edu/taekim/|Tae Hyung Kim]] ||Postdoc at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School <
> Ph.D. 2020: ''Shift-invariant autoregressive reconstruction for MRI'' || ||[[http://sites.google.com/a/usc.edu/daeunk/home|Daeun Kim]] ||Postdoc at Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California <
> Ph.D. 2019: ''“High-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging of microstructure'' || ||[[https://silencer1127.github.io/|Jian Li (Andrew)]] ||Postdoc at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School <
> Ph.D. 2019: ''Functional connectivity analysis and network identification in the human brain'' || ||'''Minqi Chong''' ||Machine Learning Scientist, JD.com American Technologies Corporation <
> Ph.D. 2018: ''Applications of graph theory to brain connectivity analysis'' || ||[[http://www-scf.usc.edu/~dvaradar/|Divya Varadarajan]] ||Postdoc at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School <
> Ph.D. 2018: ''Optimizing experimental efficiency of diffusion MRI'' || ||'''Lars Benschop''' ||M.S. 2016 || ||[[http://cbhushan.github.io|Chitresh Bhushan]] ||Research Scientist, GE Global Research <
> Ph.D. 2016: ''Correction, coregistration and connectivity analysis of multi-contrast brain MRI'' || ||[[http://www.sergulaydore.com/|Sergul Aydore]] ||Assistant Professor, Stevens Institute of Technology <
> Ph.D. 2014: ''Measuring functional connectivity of the brain '' || ||'''Wentao Zhu''' ||Senior Scientist, United Imaging <
> Ph.D. 2014: ''Direct wholebody Patlak and Logan image estimation from listmode PET data'' || ||'''Yanguang Lin''' ||Modeling Scientist, Quantcast <
> Ph.D. 2014: ''Model based PET image reconstruction and kinetic parameter estimation'' || ||[[http://usc.academia.edu/SyedAshrafulla|Syed Ashrafulla]] ||Software Engineer, Google <
>Ph.D. 2014: ''Causality and consistency in biological signals'' || ||[[http://www-scf.usc.edu/~wheland/|David Wheland]] ||Data Scientist, Hearst Business Media <
>Ph.D. 2013 || ||'''Yu-Teng Chang''' ||Ph.D. 2012: ''Modularity based graph clustering, random graphs, structural and functional brain network analysis.'' || ||[[http://www.joyitadutta.com/|Joyita Dutta]] ||Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Lowell <
> Ph.D. 2011: ''Computational Methods for Fluorescence Molecular Tomography'' || ||'''Juan Poletti Soto''' ||Dept. of Communications and Control Engineering, Polytechnic School, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil <
> Ph.D. 2011: ''Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Magnetoencephalography Data'' || ||'''Sangtae Ahn''' ||Scientist, GE Global Research Labs, Niskayuna, NY <
> Postdoctoral Fellow 2005-2010 || ||'''Hua Brian Hui''' ||Engineer, Google <
> Ph.D. 2009 || ||'''Sangeetha Somayajula''' ||Research Associate at Merck Research Labs, Boston <
> Ph.D. 2009 || ||'''Sanghee Cho ''' ||Siemens Medical Solutions, Knoxville, TN <
> Ph.D. 2008 || ||'''Belma Dogdas''' ||Senior Research Associate at Merck Research Labs, Rahway, NJ <
> Ph.D. 2007 || ||[[https://health.ucdavis.edu/publish/providerbio/radiology/1362|Abhijit Chaudhari]] ||Associate Professor of Radiology, UC Davis <
> Ph.D. 2006, || ||'''Esen Küçükaltun Yıldırım''' ||Assistant Professor, Dept. EE, Istanbul Ticaret University <
> Ph.D. 2006 || ||[[https://mcgovern.mit.edu/tile/dimitrios-pantazis/|Dimitrios Pantazis]] ||Director, MEG Lab, McGovern Institute, MIT, Cambridge, MA. <
> Ph.D. 2006 || ||[[http://gordon.mgh.harvard.edu/gc/people/faculty/quanzheng-li/|Quanzheng Li]] ||Associate Professor at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School<
> Ph.D. 2005 || ||'''Bing Bai''' ||Research Assistant Professor, Radiology, USC <
> Ph.D. 2004 || ||'''Evren Asma''' ||Research Scientist, Professor, GE Global Reseach, NY <
> Ph.D. 2004 || ||[[http://fdseite.nfshost.com/|Felix Darvas]] ||Data Scientist, MicaSense <
> Postdoctoral fellow 2002-2005 || ||[[http://www.karimjerbi.com|Karim Jerbi]] ||Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair(CRC), Systems Neuroscience and Cognitive Neuroimaging, Psychology Department, University of Montreal, Canada<
>Research Associate, 2000-2001 || ||[[https://mcgill.ca/neuro/research/researchers/baillet|Sylvain Baillet]] ||Professor, Director of MEG Core, <
> Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Canada.'' ''<
>Postdoctoral fellow 1998-2000 || ||[[https://www.hse.ru/en/staff/aossadtchi|Alexei Ossadtchi]] ||Director, Centre for Bioelectric Interfaces, HSE University, Russia <
> Ph.D. 2003 || ||'''John Ermer''' ||<
> Ph.D. 2001 || ||[[http://shattuck.bmap.ucla.edu/|David Shattuck]] ||Professor, Dept. Neurology, UCLA <
> Ph.D. 2000 || ||'''Bijan Timsari''' ||Senior Staff Engineer/Manager, Qualcomm, San Diego <
> Ph.D. 1999 || ||[[http://mx.nthu.edu.tw/~cghsu/|Ching-Han Lance Hsu]] ||Associate Professor, Dept. Biomed Eng and Environ. Sci., National Tsing Hua Univ. Taiwan <
> Ph.D. 1998 || ||'''[[http://qilab.bme.ucdavis.edu/|Jinyi Qi]] ''' ||Professor, Dept. BME, U.C. Davis <
> Ph.D. 1998 || ||'''James Philips''' ||Ph.D. 1997 || ||[[http://www.spsolutions.com/|Michael E. Spencer]] ||President, SP Solutions. <
> Ph.D. 1995 || ||[[http://users.metu.edu.tr/merkan/|Erkan U. Mumcuoglu]] ||Professor, METU Informatics Institute, Ankara, Turkey <
> Ph.D. 1994 || ||'''Stephanie Roxane Sandor-Leahy''' ||Staff Scientist, Nortrop Grumman, Redondo Beach, CA <
> Ph.D. 1994 || ||[[https://med.uth.edu/neurology/faculty/john-c-mosher-phd/|John Mosher]] ||Visiting Professor, Epilepsy Research, McGovern Medical School, The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston <
> Ph.D. 1993 || ||[[http://www.actions-semi.com/en/management.aspx|Zhenyu Zhou]] ||Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Actions Semiconductor, Zhuhai, China <
> Ph.D. 1992 || ||'''Xiao-Hong Yan''' ||Ph.D. 1992 || ||'''Raeho Lee''' ||Ph.D. 1991 || ||[[http://telesecuritysciences.com/management.html|Samuel Moon-Ho Song]] ||CTO, Telesecurity Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada <
> Ph.D. 1991 || ||[[http://www.ee.uh.edu/faculty/hebert|Thomas James Hebert]] ||Associate Professor, Dept., ECE, University of Houston <
> Ph.D. 1989 || ||[[https://ece.byu.edu/faculty/brian_jeffs|Brian Jeffs]] ||Professor, Dept. EE, Brighan Young University, Utah. <
> Ph.D. 1989 || ||'''Paul S. Lewis''' ||R&D Manager, Los Alamos National Laboratory || ||'''Zheng Li''' ||Sr. Engineer at Brion Technologies, ASML || <