Errors concerning OpenMEEG when computing head model in EEG data

Dear all,

When I tried to compute head model with OpenMEEG, this error appeared:
I tried to use the BEM surface:1922,2432,this error still existed.

error is as followings:
OpenMEEG call:om_minverser

OpenMEEG error #1073741819:
l C:\Users\Administrator.brainstorm\tmp\openmeeg_hm.mat
l C:\Users\Administrator.brainstorm\tmp\openmeeg_hminv.mat

Many OpenMEEG crashes are due to a lack of memory.
Reduce the number of vertices on each BEM layer and try again.


First, make sure you are working with a recent version of Brainstorm (menu Update > Update Brainstorm).
If this doesn’t solve the issue, please tell us which Matlab version and OS you are using.

@Alexandre @mclerc @Papadopoulos_Teo: “error #1073741819” ?


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Hello Francois,
Thanks for your reply!I updated the brainstorm and OpenMEEG(download OpenMEEG-2.2.0-win64-x86_64-cl-OpenMP-shared.tar and install it from the menu-OpenMEEG-install),then tried to compute head model, the same error still appeared.
I used Matlab R2013a,windows server 2012R2.


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Let’s wait for an answer from the openmeeg team.

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Hope the openmeeg team solve the problem as soon as possible~ :four_leaf_clover:

Hi Francois,

I used another computer(window 64bits,matlab R2014a) to compute head model , then OpenMEEG error#3 occurred.
Could you tell me how to solve it? Many thanks!


Unfortunately, I have to signal the same problem is occurring on my machine too.
I have updated Brainstorm on the last 9th February, running on Matlab 2013b, on Windows 7.

Also, I encountered a java error (a typical one when facing memory issues) when saving matlab structures.

All these functions worked properly some months ago before the upgrade of Brainstorm.

Is there a way to downgrade the Brainstorm version?

Best regards,

About the OpenMEEG error: I haven’t had any news from the OpenMEEG developers…
@Alexandre @Papadopoulos_Teo @mclerc?

For your java error, if it’s a “java heap space” error, search the forum for “java heap” and you’ll find the answer easily (eg. Cannot update)
Otherwise, please post the full error message as a new thread.

Hello Francois,

Thank you for your feedback.

Is there any way I can downgrade the version of Brainstorm?

everything worked properly before the upgrade.

All the best,

No, I cannot recommend starting using old versions because of new issues. We should fix the current issues and move on.

Regarding OpenMEEG: nothing changed recently, a Brainstorm update can most likely not break something at this level. Unless you previous version of Brainstorm was very old?

For you Java issue: please report the full error message in a new thread.

(If there is no way to make an old script work with a new version of Brainstorm, I can send you a version of any date you’d like, but I really don’t recommend it - there are many silent bugs that might have been fixed as well)

Thank you Francois, I hope it could work this way.
If you could send me a reasonable version date to September 2017. That is the last version that worked properly on my machine.

My email address is:


Here is the snapshot from Sept 1st, 2017:
Please note that I can't tell you what worked or not at this stage, I don't recommend you use it and we won't support it in the future.

I have posted the errore in a new thread.

Hello Francois,

Just to report on a good news: I have installed the old Brainstorm version you posted on Monday and also downgraded the OpenMEEG (release 2.2) and the things are working fine now.

Hope this can help to solve the bug.


What about the new version of brainstorm with the old version of OpenMEEG?

It didn’t work.
That’s why I had to downgrade also the OpenMEEG.

I am experiencing the exact same problem. Are there any news on this? If not, @Francois could you please make available again the old version of Brainstorm? The above link directs to an empty directory.

@joanrue we are trying to understand what’s going on but have hard times replicating the problems with @sik

can you share the openmeeg files and provide a screenshot of the error message?
Also please give us as much details as possible on your system (OS, Matlab version etc.)


Thanks for your quick repply. Here it goes all the info:

  • SPECS.
    OS: Windows 10 Pro
    Processor: Intel i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz
    RAM: 64 GB
    GPU: AMD FirePro W5100 with up-to-date drivers
    Matlab version: R2016a, Brainstorm was downloaded 2 days ago and OpenMEEG automatically installed.

  • Find here the OpenMEEG files.