Set raw recording times to zero

Hi everyone,
I am currently working with resting-state MEG recordings that have different starting time. I would like to standardize this at the raw file level to set the onset time of every file at 0s. Is there any way to do this (maybe with a slightly modified version of "Standardize > Uniform epoch time") ?


Dear Thomas,

you can use this workaround using the GUI in which you only need to specify the sampling rate.
From the process list select Pre-process -> Run Matlab command.
There you can write inside the window.

% Available variables: Data, TimeVector

Data = Data;
sRate = 1000
TimeVector =  [  0 : 1/sRate : ( length(TimeVector) -1)* 1/sRate ];

The dowside of this solution is that it duplicate the file (so loss of space) but it should do what you need.



Thanks Giorgio, it works well!
