Tutorial 8: Artifacts & Frequency filters

Authors: Francois Tadel, Elizabeth Bock, John C Mosher, Sylvain Baillet

From Auditory

Detect and remove artifacts

Spectral evaluation

Power line contamination

From Continuous

It is common to have portions of recordings contaminated by events coming from the subject (eye blinks, movements, heartbeats, teeth clenching, implanted stimulators...) or from the environment (stimulation equipment, elevators, cars, trains, building vibrations...). Some occur at specific frequencies and can be removed using frequency filters, as introduced in the first chapter of this tutorial. Some other artifacts have more complex frequency patterns but are well defined, reproducible and can be removed efficiently using Signal Space Projections (SSP). This tutorial shows how to apply this technique to correct for the cardiac and ocular artifacts.

We are going to use the protocol TutorialRaw created in the previous tutorial ?Review continuous recordings and edit markers. If you have not followed this tutorial yet, please do it now.

Power line contamination

Notch filters are adapted to remove some well identified contaminations from oscillating systems, such as the power lines 50Hz or 60Hz. Here is an example of how to evaluate and correct fixed frequency artifacts. Important notes:

  1. Usually you would prefer to apply the frequency filters before the SSP correction.

  2. This approach is limited to CTF and Elekta-Neuromag recordings for now, other file formats will be developed on demand. An alternative approach for other file formats is described in the EEG/Epilepsy tutorial.

Identify the unwanted frequencies

Drag and drop the "Link to raw file" in the Process1 tab, click on the button [Run] to open the Pipeline editor window and select the process "Frequency > Power spectrum density (Welch)". This will estimate the power spectrum of the signal using the Welch method. Set the time window to process to [0,50]s, and the window length to 4 sec, with an overlap of 50%, this will be more than enough to get a good estimate of the spectrum (average of the Fourier transform of 24 windows of 4800 samples each). Leave the other options to the default values.


Double click on the "Power (MEG)" file that was created under the "Link to raw file" in the database explorer. This shows the estimate of the power spectrum for the first 50 seconds of the continuous file, for all the sensors, with a logarithmic scale. You can identify four peaks at the following frequencies: 60Hz, 120Hz, 180Hz and 300Hz. The first three are related with the power lines (acquisition in Canada, where the electricity is delivered at 60Hz, plus the harmonics), and are expected to be coming from pure sinusoidal components in the signal. The last one is an artifact of the low-pass filter at 300Hz that was applied on the recordings at the acquisition time. We are going to ignore this one, as it is probably more complex and spanning over several frequency bins.


Remove: 60Hz and harmonics

Leave the file "Link to raw file" in the Process1 list and now run "Pre-process > Notch filter".
Enter the frequencies to remove (60Hz, 120Hz and 180Hz) and leave the other options to the default values.


The operation creates a new "Link to raw file" entry in the database, pointing to a new CTF dataset in the same folder as the original continuous file. To check where this file was created: right-click on the file "Raw | notch(60Hz 120Hz 180Hz)" > File > Show in file explorer. This file has the exact same properties as the original file, including the SSP projectors, only the values of the MEG sensors were updated.



If the notch filter is not giving satisfying result, you can use two other processes:

Evaluate the results

Now run the same frequency analysis: process "Frequency > Power spectrum density (Welch)", time window = [0,50]s, window length = 4000ms, overlap = 50%. Double click on the new "Power (MEG)" file. As expected, the three first peaks due to the power lines are gone.


You can run a few other pre-processing operations directly on the continuous files, including a band-pass filter. Frequency filters and sinusoid removals are operations that you should apply at very early stages of the analysis, before epoching the recordings. Those operations do not perform well next to the beginning and the end of the signals, they may generate important artifacts. It is therefore much more accurate to filter the entire recordings from the original continuous file at once, rather than filtering small epochs after importing them in the database.

From now on, we are only going to work on this clean file "Raw | notch(60Hz 120Hz 180Hz)".

From CTF

Selecting files to process

First thing to do is to define the files you are going to process. This is done easily by picking files or folders in the database explorer and dropping them in the empty list of the Process1 tab.

  1. Drag and drop the following nodes in the Process1 list: Right/ERF (recordings), Right (condition), and Subject01 (subject)


    • The number in the brackets next to each node represents the number of data files that where found in each of them. The node ERF "contains" only itself (1), Subject01/Right contains ERF and Std files (2), and Subject01 contains 2 conditions x 2 recordings (4).
    • The total number of files, ie. the sum of all those values, appears in the title of the panel "Files to process [7]".
  2. The buttons on the left side allow you to select what type of file you want to process: Recordings, sources, time-frequency, other. Now select the second button "Sources". All the counts are updated and now reflect the number of sources files that are found for each node.


  3. If you select the third button "Time-frequency", you would see "0" everywhere because there are no time-frequency decompositions in the database yet.


  4. Now clear the list from all the files. You may either right-click on the list (popup menu Clear list), or select all the nodes (holding Shift or Crtl key) and then press the Delete key.

  5. Select both files Left/ERF and Right/ERF in the tree (holding Ctrl key), and put the in Process list. We are going to apply some functions on those two files. You cannot distinguish them after they are dropped in the list, because they are both referred as "ERP". If at some point you need to know what is in the list, just leave you mouse over a node for a few seconds, and a tooltip would give you information about it. Just like in the database explorer.


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Tutorials/ArtifactsFilter (last edited 2015-02-03 23:32:58 by FrancoisTadel)