Using BrainVISA

Authors: Francois Tadel

It is not the purpose of Brainstorm tutorials to teach you how to use BrainVISA. But many Brainstorm users are lost when it gets to the segmentation of the MRI. So here is a short introduction to the BrainVISA T1 MRI processing pipeline. To extract head and cortex meshes from a T1 MRI, you can also try to use: BrainSuite or FreeSurfer.

We are going to illustrate the use of BrainVISA with the MRI from the CTF tutorials. You should already have those files on your computer, if you followed the basic tutorials. If it is not the case, go to the Download page, and get the file

This tutorial was written for BrainVISA 4.3. To get started, or for additional information, you can also read the BrainVISA tutorial pages.


Running BrainVISA

Start Morphologist

The T1 MRI processing pipeline in BrainVISA is now called Morphologist. Double-click on the icon "Morphologist 2012" to get started.


The Morphologist window shows on the left the list of analysis steps that are part of this T1 MRI processing pipeline. They can be selected or unselected independently. When you click on a step, it shows all the possible options and input and output files on the right.


Select the MRI file

The only options than we need to set (hopefully), are the global ones, that you get when you click on the top element in the list (Morphologist 2012). Let's start with the selection of the MRI file:

Setting the options

What if if crashes?

Importing the results in Brainstorm

  1. Switch to the anatomy side of the database explorer
  2. Create a new subject, set the default anatomy option to "No, use individual anatomy"
  3. Right-click on the subject > Import anatomy folder...


  4. Select the file format "BrainVISA folder" and select the top folder of your subject: /.../brainvisa_db/segmentation/ctf01
  5. Then you're prompted for the number of vertices you want in the final cortex surface. This will by extension define the number of dipoles to estimate during the source estimation process. By default we set this value to 15000 for the entire brain (it means 7500 for each hemisphere).


  6. The MRI Viewer appears, and a help window asks you to validate the orientation of the MRI and to define the 3 missing fiducial points (NAS/LPA/RPA, as the three others are already imported). If something doesn't look right at this step, for instance if the MRI is not presented with a correct orientation, you should stop this automatic import process and follow the manual instructions in the basic tutorial pages.


  7. Place the three fiducials NAS/LPA/RPA. If you need help, refer to this page: CoordinateSystems

  8. Click on Save to keep your modifications, and the automatic import will go on.
  9. This process imports the following files from the folder .../ctf01/t1mri/default_acquisition/default_analysis/ :

    • nobias_ctf01.nii.gz (T1 MRI volume)

    • ctf01.APC (position of the fiducials AC, PC and IH)

    • segmentation/mesh/ctf01_head.gii (head surface)

    • segmentation/mesh/ctf01_Lhemi.gii (grey/csf interface, left hemisphere)

    • segmentation/mesh/ctf01_Rhemi.gii (grey/csf interface, right hemisphere)

    • segmentation/mesh/ctf01_Lwhite.gii (white matter, left hemisphere)

    • segmentation/mesh/ctf01_Rwhite.gii (white matter, right hemisphere)

  10. The successive steps that are performed automatically by Brainstorm:
    • Import all the surfaces (left/right, white/cortex)
    • Downsample each hemisphere to the number specified in the options (by default 7500, half of the total default number 15000)
    • Merge left and right hemispheres for the two surface types: white matter and cortex envelope
    • Delete all the unnecessary surfaces
    • Fill the holes in the head surface
  11. The files you can see in the database explorer at the end:


    • MRI: The T1 MRI of the subject

    • ctf01_head_8000V: Scalp surface generated by Brainvisa (holes filled by Brainstorm).

    • cortex_70000V: High-resolution cortex surface that was generated by BrainVISA.This one appears in green, it means that is going to be used as the default by the processes that require a cortex surface.

    • cortex_15000V: Low-resolution cortex surface, downsampled using the reducepatch function from Matlab (it keeps a meaningful subset of vertices from the original surface).

    • white_70000V: High-resolution white matter envelope from BrainVISA

    • white_15000V: Low-resolution white matter, processed with reducepatch

  12. A figure is automatically shown at the end of the process, to check visually that the low-resolution cortex and head surfaces were properly generated and imported. If it doesn't look like the following picture, do not go any further in your source analysis, fix the anatomy first.

    • result.gif

Handling errors

How to check the quality of the result

It's hard to estimate what would be a good cortical reconstruction. What you are trying to spot at this level is mostly the obvious errors, like when the early stages of the brain extraction didn't perform well, just with a visual inspection. Play with the Smooth slider in the Surface tab. If it looks like a brain (two separate hemispheres) in both smooth and original views, it is probably ok.

Display the cortex surface on top of the MRI slices, to make sure that they are well aligned, that the surface follows well the folds, and that left and right were not flipped: right-click on the low-resolution cortex > MRI registration > Check MRI/surface registration...


The cortex looks bad

It is critical to get a good cortex surface for source estimation. If the final cortex surface looks bad, it means that something didn't work well somewhere along the BrainVISA pipeline. The options are:

The head surface looks bad

It is not mandatory to have a perfect head surface to use any of the Brainstorm features: you don't necessarily have to recognize the face (for the anonymity of the figures, it can be even better if you don't).

The head surface is important mostly for the alignment of the MEG sensors and the MRI. If you digitized the head shape with a Polhemus device, you can align automatically the head surface (hence the MRI) with the MEG sensors (in the same referential as the Polhemus points). The quality of this automatic registrations depends on the quality of both surfaces: the Polhemus head shape (green points) and the head surface from the MRI (grey surface). If you placed lots of points on the nose but your head surface doesn't have a nose, those points are not going to help. Except for that, a nice head shape is mainly useful for producing nicer figures.


If the default head surface looks bad, you can try generating another one: right-click on the subject folder > Generate head surface. The options are:

You can also try to import manually the original BrainVISA head surface. Right click on the subject > Import surface > ctf01_head_8000V. If the surface has holes, you can right-click on the head surface > Fill holes, and then use a different value than the one used by default in the automatic procedure (2).

Manual import of the anatomy

In case you need to import the MRI, surfaces and atlases separately instead of using the menu "Import anatomy folder", here is the sequence of operations to perform to get to the same result:

  1. From the Anatomy side of the database explorer: create a subject.

  2. Right-click on the subject folder > Import MRI > Select "nobias_subjectname.nii.gz"

  3. Set the 6 fiducial points, save
  4. Right-click on the subject folder > Import surfaces > Select simultaneously: head.gii, Lhemi.gii, Rhemi.gii, Lwhite.gii, Rwhite.gii

  5. Select Lhemi, Rhemi, Lwhite, Rwhite, right-click > Less vertices > 7500 vertices > Select the first option "Matlab reducepatch"

  6. Select Lhemi, Rhemi, right-click > Merge surfaces: Generates a surface cortex_70000V

  7. Select Lwhite, Rwhite, right-click > Merge surfaces: Generates a surface white_70000V

  8. Select Lhemi_7500V, Rhemi_7500V, right-click > Merge surfaces: Generates a surface cortex_15000V

  9. Select Lwhite_7500V, Rwhite_7500V, right-click > Merge surfaces: Generates a surface white_15000V

  10. Delete all the separate hemispheres: *hemi*, *white*
  11. Double-click on cortex_15000V to set it as the default cortex

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Tutorials/SegBrainVisa (last edited 2015-01-28 16:47:57 by FrancoisTadel)