Park City, Utah, USA: April 1st, 2024


Full-day of lectures and a workshop on Brainstorm as part of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Epilepsy and Neurological Disorders in Park City. This session will be an introduction to Brainstorm features for sEEG analysis.

Participants will learn how to use Brainstorm and access its new tools on their personal laptops.

General information

Where Park City
WhenApril 1st, 2024, 8:30-17:00
Registration Please visit this page.
Organizers AI EPILEPSY 2024
Instructors John Mosher, Takfarinas Medani,Yash Vakilna and Raymundo Cassani
(UTH/USC USA, McGill Canada )
AudienceUsers interested in analyzing sEEG/ECOG recordings using Brainstorm.
Some experience with iEEG and signal processing is recommended. Teaching in English.
Number of participants: XX
Slides TBD Intro slides | Lectures slides | Walkthrough | Survey


In order to make the workshop as efficient as possible, we ask all the attendees to: download, install and test the software and download the workshop dataset on their laptops prior to the workshop.

Installing Brainstorm

Please read carefully the following instructions on:
preparing your laptop for the training


April 1st


Registration, check in


Introduction to Workshop–Richard Leahy, USA


SEEG and the Human Brain Project-Philippe Ryvlin, Switzerland


BioPhysics of SEEG-John Mosher, USA


Coffee Break


Brainstorm overview-Sylvain Baillet, McGill, Canada

Software structure, typical data workflow


Source Localization on Brainstorm-Manish Shah, USA


SEEG and Multimodality Clinical Applications in Brainstorm–Jay Gavalla, USA


Lunch Break

12:30-13:15 Onsite assistance in installing the material for the training session

Tutorial – Hands-On Brainstorm - Y.Vakilna, J.Hampson, T.Medani & R.Cassani



Database explorer

MRI volumes, surfaces

Anatomical parcellations

Coregistration of pre- and post-implantation images


SEEG recordings

Reviewing continuous SEEG recordings

Montages and management of event markers

Marking SEEG contacts on post-implantation image

Anatomical labeling of SEEG contacts


Coffee Break


Advanced topics - Based on participants' requests

Time-frequency analysis: Identification of ictal HFO frequency bands

Epileptogenicity maps: Localization of the seizure onset zone and propagation pathways

FEM demo: MRI segmentation, tissue anisotropy with DTI, FEM forward modeling

Open discussion with Brainstorm users

End of the workshop, main conference begins at 6pm

Bring your own data

The last session will be mostly dedicated to addressing participants' requests. We encourage you to bring in your own sample of data that you would be interested in processing with Brainstorm. We may ask that you pair with other attendees, for logistics purposes.

The file formats that can be read by Brainstorm are listed on the Introduction page. Please contact us in advance if you are not sure your dataset can be imported in Brainstorm. If you do not have data available, you may continue to use the tutorial dataset used in the present workshop.


For any technical problem, please contact Takfarinas Medani( ) or Raymundo Cassani ( )

WorkshopParkCity2024 (last edited 2024-02-21 17:39:52 by TakfarinasMedani)