Are you a PhD with interest in EEG, MEG, Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation, Neuroengineering? Have you ever dreamed to live and work in beautiful Venice/Rome, Italy?
If so, hurry up and consider applying for a post-doc position at IRCCS S. Camillo (Clinical neuroimaging and brain stimulation lab) and Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome (NeXT Lab:, Italy. We have a new 3y joint project, which just started.
Main researchers’ research activities are conducted in Venice and Rome and in collaboration with other internationally renowned partners (i.e. University of Padua, Montreal Neurological Institute - McGill University, Ghent University and more). You will have access to: simultaneous EEG-MEG (300+ sensors), 3T MRI scanners, hd-EEG (several systems, up to 250 channels), TMS (3 machines for all types of stimulations), tDCS/tACS (several, including high-resolution stimulation and simultaneous tDCS/EEG), near-infrared spectroscopy, two neuronavigation systems (optic and magnetic), eye tracking, BCI, instrumentation for simultaneous TMS-EEG and simultaneous EEG-fMRI, virtual reality, EMG, IMU, anthropomorphic upper limb robots and much more.
Do not hesitate to drop a message to or and for further information.
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