Even when I use the granger connectivity matrix created through the GUI, I still get errors when calling that .mat file from script with view_topography.
[hFig, iDS, iFig] = view_topography('gca.mat',[], '2ddisc',TF, 1, 'NewFigure', RefRowNames)
Error using view_topography (line 241)
This files contains information about cortical sources or regions of interest.
Cannot display it as a sensor topography.
even if I use the file formed through the brainstorm GUI, when I use file_gettype(filename), the answer is 'unknown'. I feel like this is the issue. How do I get the filetype 'timefreq'?
Or what is the valid data type for a granger connectivity matrix such that I can use view_topography and see a 2d disc layout?
[EDIT]: I have changed the file name so that it could be recognized as timefreq. This is fine, but it keeps saying File is not registered in database..
[EDIT2]: Even when I'm using the data produced by the brainstorm gui, I cannot seem to call the function view_topography properly.. if I insert: [hfig,ids,ifig]=view_topography(fn,[],'2ddisc'), then I get an error saying:
Output argument "RowNames" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "figure_timefreq>GetFigureData".
Error in figure_timefreq (line 28)
Error in figure_topo>GetFigureData (line 336)
[Time, Freqs, TfInfo, TF, RowNames] = figure_timefreq('GetFigureData', hFig, TimeDef);
Error in figure_topo>UpdateTopoPlot (line 101)
[DataToPlot, Time, selChan, overlayLabels, dispNames, StatThreshUnder, StatThreshOver] = GetFigureData(iDS, iFig, 0);
Error in figure_topo>PlotFigure (line 651)
UpdateTopoPlot(iDS, iFig);
Error in figure_topo (line 27)
Error in view_topography (line 379)
isOk = figure_topo('PlotFigure', iDS, iFig, 1);
if I insert [hFig, iDS, iFig] = view_topography(fn, 'EEG', '2ddisc', TF(:,:,1), 1, 'NewFigure', RefRowNames)
I get the error:
Insufficient number of outputs from right hand side of equal sign to satisfy assignment.
Error in bst_memory>GetTimefreqMaximum (line 2388)
RowNames = GlobalData.DataSet(iDS).Timefreq(iTimefreq).RowNames;
Error in bst_memory (line 72)
Error in figure_topo>UpdateTopoPlot (line 126)
Fall = bst_memory('GetTimefreqMaximum', iDS, iTf, TfInfo.Function);
Error in figure_topo>PlotFigure (line 651)
UpdateTopoPlot(iDS, iFig);
Error in figure_topo (line 27)
Error in view_topography (line 379)
isOk = figure_topo('PlotFigure', iDS, iFig, 1);
[EDIT3] I believe the issue is in function bst_memory('GetDataSetTimeFreq',TfInfo.FileName). the iDS and iTimeFreq variables are all turning out blank.
**[EDIT4]: nevermind people! I think i've figured it out sorry for the commotion