A new bug when I do SEEG electrodes registration

I meet some new bug when I performing electrode localization with the latest version.

  1. I find if I do the MRI registration based on the MRI after cat12 segementation, the software cannot open the registration page and reports an error.
  2. If I do the MRI registration based on the MRI without cat12 segementation, the software can open the registration page and I can do SEEG registration.

Then I returned the brainstorm to the old version(06-Apr-2023) and found that there were no errors.

Thank you in advance for you time.

The issue seems to be a inconsistency in the Cube size of between the MRI and the CT

Can you share a screenshot of the Anatomy view for that subject?

The fact it does not give the error for that version is that CT volumes were not supported by that time.

Sure, here is the screenshot of the anatomy view, but I have returned the brainstorm to the old version

Here I also update the MRI and CT data
MRI: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cxIDr2eJD-vD4t7sYR2BrrxyTRXwxFwT/view?usp=sharing
CT: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zkrQzoY_jzN9kFq9RAbRrdOmIGVb3AeT/view?usp=sharing