About how to export ROI 4D volume

Dear Bst Team:
As far as I know,Brainstorm software have an important function is Export to SPM8/SPM12(volumn),However, this function is only available for 15,002 dipoles across the entire cerebral cortex. Now I have defined a Scout as my ROI. Again, I just want to apply this function to ROI rather than to the entire cerebral cortex and hope the resulting data will be [x y z * Time dimension].**
Hope to get your answer.
Your sincerely,


This function exports a source file from the Brainstorm database (surface or volume), to a .nii volume.

If you want to set to zero some values (maybe all the values except for the ones in a given scout), you need to do this manually on the file before using this process.

Maybe something like:

  • Compute your source file using the advanced option "Full results"
  • Right-click on the source file > File > Export to Matlab > "ResultsMat"
  • Right-click on the cortex surface > File > Export to Matlab > "CortexMat"
  • Look for the atlas index (iAtlas) and scout index (iScout) of your scout of interest
  • Get the indices of the scout vertices:
    iVerticesScout = CortexMat.Atlas(iAtlas).Scout(iScout).Vertices;
  • Get all the other vertices:
    `iVerticesOther = setdiff(1:length(CortexMat.Vertices), iVerticesScout )
  • Set the source values to zero:
    ResultsMat.ImageGridAmp(iVerticesOther, : ) = 0;
  • Change the file comment:
    ResultsMat.Comment = [ResultsMat.Comment, ' zero'];
  • Import it as a new file in the database: right-click on the FOLDER containing the original source file > File > Import from Matlab > ResultsMat
