About the "SSP: eye blinks" function

Hello peers, I want to ask some questions about the "SSP: eye blinks" function in Brainstorm.
I used the 2019 version of brainstorm to analyze EEG data: 1.re-reference by M1,M2(EEG REF); 2. detect eye blinks; 3. remove eye blinks with the "SSP: eye blinks" function.
What I found strange is that, when I used the newer version of Brainstorm (2020&2021) to do the same thing with the same data, it detected the same eye blinks, but the "SSP: eye blinks" function reported different components. They are similar, but still different enough to impact the results.
Was the "SSP: eye blinks" function modified with the update of Brainstorm?
Thank you!

The SSP functions themselves were not modified much recently, but the frequency filters were, and they are used to filter the data is specific frequency bands before computing the SSP.

List of all the updates:
You can also get the history for each function from github. Example:

We keep on updating Brainstorm continuously. If you need a strict level of reproducibility: keep the same version of Brainstorm for each study, or script all your analysis and re-run it at the end with the latest version of Brainstorm.

Hi Francois, thank you for your kind reply. As you said, I guess the change in the filter function might be the reason. Since I have updated my brainstorm to the latest version, then where can I download the 2019 versions again? Thank you.

Or better...Do we have the access to all the history versions of brainstorm?

You can get any version from Github:

  • Navigate in the commit history (either all the commits, or the commit history for a specific file)
  • Click on Browse files
  • Click on Code > Download zip

Thank you for the reply. Yes, I checked Github, but how could I know which are the files that I need to go back to the previous versions? Is there a way to download the whole package for a history version? For example, "brainstorm_191220.zip" just like the one on the current "download" page: "brainstorm_210127.zip"? Thank you.

  • Navigate in the commit history (either all the commits, or the commit history for a specific file)
  • Select the commit
  • Click on Browse files
  • Click on Code > Download zip

This downloads all the files from that version of the software...