I had used Neuroelectrics 8 channel cap to register EEG activity during resting state protocol. I am trying to add EEG channels position, but there is not any option for Neuroelectrics. So, I had choosen this option: Add EEG positions > Colin27 > Generic > 10-20 19 and I get this error (see image). Is this not working because I have only 8 channels, isn't it? What should I do so?
Hi @SaraiMM, the message that you get is not an error, it an informative text that indicates that from the 8 channels in your recordings, only 5 channels were found in the cap that you indicated ( Colin27 > Generic > 10-20 19), so the positions for these were updated; and 3 channels were not found in that cap thus their position was not updated.
Are you using the using EEG positions from the EEG cap from Neuroelectronics?
If so, check that the names of the electrodes in the channel file, created when the data was imported in Brainstorm, right-click the channel file > Edit channel file and verify that names are contained in the following list:
If you have channels named T3 and T4 you have to rename them to T7 and T8 respectively.
Now that you have the correct names for the electrodes, the eight positions can be added with this EEG positions > ICBM152 > Generic > ASA 10-20 94 as this cap contains all the electrodes listed in the Neuroelectronics cap.