Adding scout on 3D MRI volume

I created MRI volume images but am not able to add scouts. It is asking to do it on 3D MRI image but it is still not working. In that case how to extract the values corresponding to the spot of interest in volume MRI?

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Have you followed the instructions in the tutorial "Volume source information"?
If so, please describe precisely which step you could not reproduce.

It looks like there are some bugs still around for the creation of volume scouts in some cases. If you don't manage to make it work, please have a look at the following forum threads:


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Thanks Francois for the answer.
I can add scouts on dSPM 3D volume MRI plots.

  1. In my analysis I did time-frequency, power, volume MRIs. When I go to Scout > New cordinates and add the cordinates, I get scout in the scout window but it is not in the brain (figure 1).
  2. When I go to Atlas > New atlas > volume scouts, there is an error message: no source results loaded in this figure (figure 2).

figure 2:

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