Amplitude envelope correlation: electrode arrangement

I am running amplitude envelope correlation analysis and getting the plot bellow. Is it possible to modify electrode arrangements in a top plot to have Frontal electrodes anteriorly, Central electrodes in the middle and Parietal electrodes posteriorly?

Is it possible to modify electrode arrangements in a top plot to have Frontal electrodes anteriorly, Central electrodes in the middle and Parietal electrodes posteriorly?

Not at the moment.
You'd need to edit all the structures manually (channel files, data files, connectivity files...), with very high risks of manipulation errors.

FYI: we're in the process of updating the connectivity graphs. The default behavior will change in the next few weeks.

Thank you Francois for the reply.

Also, in Brainstorm I was running amplitude envelope correlation analysis for a given frequency band: theta or gamma.
In Brainstorm, Is it possible to run connectivity analysis between frequency bands, e.g. between theta and gamma?

Phase-Amplitude Coupling?

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Any other suggestion?

Francois, I mean getting the envelope of theta at C3 and envelope of gamma at F3 and running correlation analysis. Is it possible in Brainstorm?

Isn't it what you were doing with the Amplitude Envelope Correlation process?

I was running theta-theta correlation between electrodes.

Is it possible to run theta-gamma between electrode correlation?

I'm interested about getting cross-frequency connectivity too :grimacing:

@Sylvain @hossein27en @Raymundo.Cassani ?

If you extract the envelopes of theta and gamma using the Hilbert process in Brainstorm, you can then compute their correlation using the connectivity toolkit in Brainstorm as well.

mmm I'm not sure how to do that... :thinking:

As I mentioned in that other thread:

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Then once the Hilbert envelopes are obtained, you need to compute their correlation with Matlab, outside Brainstorm.

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