Amplitudes values multiplied by unknown constant (Y axis skewed)

She did not have the signal processing toolbox available to work with, and could not successfully perform the ICA

You can always use the compiled version of Brainstorm, no toolbox limitation (but no scripting).

But you can set the frequency band upon which to perform ICA... You have piqued my curiosity now.

It would filter again the data. It is not recommended to use this input if you already filtered your signals in the same frequency band.
We don't have a lot of expertise with ICA by frequency bands, you may receive better advice from the EEGLAB community.

The visualization filters work fine, but filtration processing does not. Has no one encountered this issue when working with data where the "apply SSP projectors" has been performed?

I don't manage to reproduce what you describe here.
I'd need more help from you in order to first reproduce this bug, and then hopefully fix it.

Could you please:

  1. Share a short example file on which you obtain this wrong results: upload the original EEG recordings somewhere and post the download link here.
  2. Generate a Matlab script to reproduce exactly what you describe: stack all the processes in the pipeline editor (from "Create link to raw file" to "Average" - skip the bad epochs removal as it wouldn't change anything), then generate the script
  3. Copy-paste your script here.

If you really don't understand how to generate this script: try reproducing the same results using only the Pipeline editor and post screen captures of the options of all the processes.
