Atlas for 1 year old infants

All the fixes to work fine!

The created templates seem to be misplaced in the submenus. When I tried it, the templates created by the script were shown in the MNI submenu. I also tried to create a template through the GUI and this template got placed in the USC submenu. It does not have consequences for what I have to do, but I thought you may want to know about this issue.

I tried to integrated your code for the channel files. I managed make it save the imported file, but it does not add the channel to the study, probably because I did not use the RefChannelMat object you used in your code. How do your get that object/structure? Here is what I got so far:

montages = {'10-5', '10-10', '10-20', 'HGSN128'};
iStudy = db_add_condition(subjectName, 'test');
sStudy = bst_get('Study', iStudy);    

% Create folder for channel file
for no_montage = 1:length(montages)
    montage = [montages{no_montage} '-montage.fif'];
    RefChannelMat = db_template('channelmat');

    % Read channel file
    FifMat = import_channel([], [FsDir '/' montage], 'FIF', 0, 0, 0);

    % Create destination channel file
    ChannelMat = RefChannelMat;
    ChannelMat.SCS.NAS = FifMat.HeadPoints.Loc(:,2);
    ChannelMat.SCS.LPA = FifMat.HeadPoints.Loc(:,1);
    ChannelMat.SCS.RPA = FifMat.HeadPoints.Loc(:,3);
    for i = 15:size(FifMat.HeadPoints.Loc, 2)
        ChannelMat.Channel(i-14).Loc = FifMat.HeadPoints.Loc(:,i);
    ChannelMat.HeadPoints = FifMat.HeadPoints;

    % Save channel file
    ChannelFile = bst_fullfile(bst_fileparts(file_fullpath(sStudy.FileName)), montages{no_montage});
    bst_save(ChannelFile, ChannelMat, 'v7');


Here are FreeSurfer for the ASEG issue: