Atlas for 1 year old infants

I am unclear how to proceed with the channel files though. When trying to add them, I got an error

You can ignore this warning. Brainstorm expects to find recordings in FIF files. There are none, it complains, but it does not cause any additional problem.

I think only one channel set can be loaded in a subject at a given time, right?

No. You should create one subfolder for each template (and create one channel file per folder).
Also, you should start from an existing template, not from an empty structure.
The order of the digitized points in the .fif file should match the electrodes in the Brainstorm template (no other solution, since your 3D points are not named in the fif file...). Or we need to add some code to re-order them.

It seems that there are issues in the electrodes positions you provide (I tested only ANTS1-0Months3T):

  • The order of the electrodes is incorrect
  • The NAS/LPA/RPA does not seem correct (but I don't have your fiducials.mat so I can't test this part properly)
  • The size of the cap does not match the size of the head.

Below: your script modified to create one channel file per folder.

% Get EEG defaults folder
RefChannelPath = bst_fullfile(bst_get('BrainstormDefaultsDir'), 'eeg', 'ICBM152');

files = ...;   % Keep your original code
fid_dict = load('/home/christian/brainstorm_db/fiducials.mat');

delete '/home/christian/.brainstorm/defaults/anatomy/*'

for iSubj = 1:size(files, 1)
    % Create subject
    SubjectName = files(iSubj).name;  
    [sSubject, iSubject] = db_add_subject(SubjectName, [], 0, 0);
    % Import anatomy
    FsDir = bst_fullfile(files(iSubj).folder, files(iSubj).name);
    sFid = ...;   % Keep your original code
    import_anatomy_fs(iSubject, FsDir, 15000, 0, sFid);
    % Create folder for channel file
    for iMontage = 1:5
        switch iMontage
            case 1
                MontageName = '10-5';
                RefChannelFile = 'channel_ASA_10-05_343.mat';
            case 2
                MontageName = '10-10';
                RefChannelFile = 'channel_10-10_65.mat';
            case 3
                MontageName = '10-20';
                RefChannelFile = 'channel_10-20_19.mat';
            case 4
                MontageName = 'HGSN128';
                RefChannelFile = 'channel_GSN_HydroCel_128_E1.mat';
            case 5
                MontageName = 'HGSN128';
                RefChannelFile = 'channel_GSN_HydroCel_128_E001.mat';
        % Load reference channel file
		RefChannelMat = in_bst_channel(bst_fullfile(RefChannelPath, RefChannelFile));
		FolderName = file_standardize(str_remove_parenth(RefChannelMat.Comment));

		% Create new folder
		iStudy = db_add_condition(SubjectName, FolderName);
		sStudy = bst_get('Study', iStudy);
        % Read channel file
        FifMat = import_channel([], bst_fullfile(FsDir, [MontageName '-montage.fif']), 'FIF', 0, 0, 0);

        % Create destination channel file
        ChannelMat = RefChannelMat;
        ChannelMat.SCS.LAS = FifMat.HeadPoints.Loc(:,1);
        ChannelMat.SCS.NAS = FifMat.HeadPoints.Loc(:,2);
        ChannelMat.SCS.RPA = FifMat.HeadPoints.Loc(:,3);
        for i = 15:size(FifMat.HeadPoints.Loc, 2)
            % TODO: Fix order of electrodes
            if (i-14 <= length(ChannelMat.Channel))
                ChannelMat.Channel(i-14).Loc = FifMat.HeadPoints.Loc(:,i);
        ChannelMat.HeadPoints = FifMat.HeadPoints;
        % Re-Register based on NAS/LPA/RPA
        % ChannelMat = channel_detect_type(ChannelMat, 1, 0);

        % Save channel file
        ChannelFile = bst_fullfile(bst_fileparts(file_fullpath(sStudy.FileName)), RefChannelFile);
        bst_save(ChannelFile, ChannelMat, 'v7');

    bst_memory('UnloadAll', 'Forced');
    export_default_anat(iSubject, subjectName, 1);    
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