Automatic localization of SEEG electrodes

@PapaZita33, you need to reformat the data in the localization file (MRIcentered.txt ) as a supported format, the more direct would be a .csv file with the electrode name, and X, Y, Z coordinates. For example the first row in the shared document would go from

H	1	16.1826032146042	-13.2080299808146	-28.1307368998786	2	white


H_1, 16.1826032146042, -13.2080299808146, -28.1307368998786
  • The header of the files needs to be removed as well

  • Note that electrode name must match the electrode name in Brainstorm

To import the locations Right-click on the channel file > Add EEG positions > Import from file. Then select format "**EEG: ASCII: NAME, XYZ_World (.), and when asked select the multiplier 1 as the coordinates are already in mm

Once imported, doublet-click on the channel file to see the updated positions.

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