Brain connectivity and Power pipeline

Dear Brainstorm team,
I am really thankful for your great support for this community.
I am doing an analysis using EEG data from 32Channels, 63 sec (3-sec baseline and 60-sec watching video), I am using default anatomy ICBM 152 for all subjects, I need to get the results for source power and connectivity, the pipeline I am using is as follows after preprocessing the data,

  1. Compute head model for MRI volume using OpenMEEG BEM
  2. Get the noise covariance matrix for the first 3 sec baseline.
  3. Compute sources using the parameters in the image below,

    The results are as follows,

    I cannot see any activation when I display it on the MRI.
  4. Using AAL atlas for scouts to determine ROIs (I am using all the regions in the atlas as ROIs)
  5. Compute PSD as a power parameter

The results are as follows, could you confirm whether they need modifications?

  1. Still working on connectivity computation since I am using an unconstrained source model. Could you give me some suggestions in this regard since I am a novice user?

Kindly, address my inquiries.


Please read through the relevant tutorials:


Thank you for your prompt response.
I will go through the suggested pipeline in the tutorials, and if I face any problems I will get back to you.
I have another question, how can I save the TF file for all the subjects' connectivity and Power results?

It is saved in the brainstorm database.
If you want to use it for your own script, you can export it to Matlab and then extract the TF values. [RIcht click on the node and then export to matlab]

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Thank you for your prompt response.
How can I export all of them together rather than one at a time?

I have been trying to follow the suggested pipeline for source power but I receive this error message (I tried for surface and volume both of them show the error)

and I receive this result

Kindly, guide me.

You need to project the source time series, not the time frequency or connectivity measures. Once you have done so (projecting the sLORETA source maps onto a template), you can then derive the connectivity measures from the resulting source time series.