Brainstorm database doesnt load


i am contcting you since i have a very weird bug with a large databse. When displayingin brainstorm, it only shows one subject, even after reloading the protocol when going to the actual folder shows all the subjects.

I tried to detach the protocol from the db and then reimport it but doesnt fix it. is there any way to not loose all the processing done?

Note: When reloading, Brainstorm display the following message in the comand windows:

DB_FIX> Missing subject: "PA262"...
DB_FIX> There were errors in protocol "MEG_fMRI_surgery". You should reload the database...


Hi @edelaire,

You could try to regenerate the Protocol database from the files in HDD:

  • Detach the Protocol
  • Close Brainstorm and Matlab
  • Got to the Protocol/data folder in the BrainstormDB directory.
    You can get this path with: bst_get('BrainstormDbDir')
  • Rename the protocol.mat file to something different, e.g., protocol.mat.bak
  • Start Matlab and Brainstorm

Is your issue solved?


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I don't have protocol.mat in the protocol folder but only under data. is that normal? i tried to rename it as you suggested but the problem persit. Also i realise that, for PA262 ( subject mentioned in the warning, i have a data folder but not in anat)

ok. I removed the data folder of this subject and it seems to be working

ok it worked ! thx :slight_smile:

Yes, this is correct the protocol.mat file is inside ProtocolFolder/data/

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