Brainstorm's (01-Dec-2023) does not read processes properly

Hi, thanks again for such a great toolbox. Have been using it for at least 6 years now.

I'm trying to install it in a mac (M2), but I get this error message:

Unrecognized function or variable 'plugList'.

Error in panel_process_select>ParseProcessFolder (line 2675)
for i = 1:length(plugList)

Error in panel_process_select (line 32)

Error in bst_startup (line 458)
panel_process_select('ParseProcessFolder', 1);

Error in brainstorm (line 123)
bst_startup(BrainstormHomeDir, 1, BrainstormDbDir);

What should I do?


Hi again. I wanted to add that I updated my Brainstorm version on my laptop (Macbook Pro M1) and got the same error after successfully updating it. In other words, when I was simply opening Brainstorm. Therefore, Brainstorm does not currently work on Mac. Is there any way to solve this bug?

BST> Reading process folder...
Unrecognized function or variable 'plugList'.

Error in panel_process_select>ParseProcessFolder (line 2675)
for i = 1:length(plugList)

Error in panel_process_select (line 32)

Error in bst_startup (line 458)
panel_process_select('ParseProcessFolder', 1);

Error in brainstorm (line 123)
bst_startup(BrainstormHomeDir, 1, BrainstormDbDir);


Actually, I have the same problem with you after updating the latest version in windows 11.

Hi @shuo and @RCL,

This bug is now fixed (commit 9f0fb77)
Please update your Brainstorm instance to get the fix

Thanks Raymundo. Updating it doesn't work, but I'll try reinstalling the whole thing from scratch:

BST> Starting Brainstorm:
BST> =================================
BST> Version: 01-Dec-2023
BST> Compiling main interface files...
BST> Deleting old process reports...
BST> Loading configuration file...
BST> Checking internet connectivity... ok
BST> Update available online: 03-Dec-2023
BST> Initializing user interface...
BST> Starting OpenGL engine... hardware
BST> Plugin fieldtrip: /Users/renzo/MATLAB/fieldtrip
BST> Reading process folder...
Unrecognized function or variable 'plugList'.

Error in panel_process_select>ParseProcessFolder (line 2675)
for i = 1:length(plugList)

Error in panel_process_select (line 32)

Error in bst_startup (line 458)
panel_process_select('ParseProcessFolder', 1);

Error in brainstorm (line 123)
bst_startup(BrainstormHomeDir, 1, BrainstormDbDir);

Yes, now it worked. You have download the most recent installer rather than updating the 1-Dec version of Brainstorm. Thanks!


Thanks a lot, now it works.

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